Blackhat earn $100-300 daily (newbie friendly) ^_^

Assalamu alaikum...
asli masih hasil copas, tpi ini smuanya murni untuk bahan arsip pribadi, tpi jika rekan-rekan suka silakan di share saja :)

Just wanna to share it 
Earn $100-300 daily

promoting your uploads You will need:
A ShareCash account
No ref:


A Googlemail account
Mozilla FireFox Webbrowser,
AutoPager Add-on for FireFox,
Investment needed: $0
Difficulty level : Easy
Proof of earnings and some inspiration: (You can check the top earners list after you create your sharecash account, in case if you don’t believe me) My tested method of making upto $300 daily:

Step 1: 

You are going to be searching for e-mail addresses so goto, click on "Search settings" in the top right corner and change the number of results to display "100" per page, now click save preferences. In the search bar you will type a keyword(s) and the e-mail extension in speech marks. For example: My keyword " "What this will do is search for webpages that contain Gmail e-mail addresses and that are also to do with your keyword. The speech marks around "" make sure that "" is on every webpage that is a result of the search. E.G, you could type "peanuts" and every page that is found must contain the word "peanuts" somewhere in the text. You can also search single websites for e-mail addresses as shown on the example below; "" The example shown above will search the whole of for "" email addresses. I recommend that your search has at least 1000 results. 

Step 2:

With your search results still in focus, scroll all the way down and AutoPager should load the next page of results onto the same page you are currently on. Keep scrolling till all pages have loaded onto the same page. With your results in focus, click the arrow at the side of the AutoPager icon as shown in the picture below. Then goto "Immediately load > All pages" . 

Step 3:

Press "ctrl + a" to select all of the pages then press "ctrl + c" to copy the results. With the results still in the clipboard (Still copied) goto Paste your results into the first box which says "1. Put text with email addresses here:" The settings should already be correct with "unique emails" and "sort ticked" and also "new line" should be selected. Click "Start Extracting Emails" and the e-mail addresses should show in the results box below almost instantly. Now copy the results from the results box paste them into notepad. Sometimes the e-mail addresses seem to end in ".com." instead of just".com" so in notepad goto "Edit > Replace" and in the "Find what" textboxtype ".com." without the speechmarks in the "Replace with" textbox type".com" , without the speechmarks. 

Step 4:

- The Final Step: In notepad press "ctrl + a" and then "ctrl + c" to copy all your e-mail addresses then goto Log-in to your Googlemail account and click on "compose mail" in the leftcorner. In the "To" box paste in your e-mail addresses. In the "Subject" box type in "RE: Breakup" without the speechmarks. Now before entering the main text of the e-mail it would be best to go over your sharecash account and uploading a video file, i suggest around 5mb and make a note of the download url of the file once it is uploaded. Go back to your open Googlemail page and in the message body enter the following :
You really got the guts to break up with me over email, bitch??!?! Tell you what! I just made a nice compilation of your/our best scenes and put it up for download on YourShareCashLink. Oh and btw: This email just went out to your parents. I bet they didn't know you're into dirty stuff like this. Cheers! Your ex bf Now click send of course. And well done thats how easy it was, just wait for the money to start pouring in! I hope you learnt something new from this.

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7 September 2016 at 10:52 delete
































